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Radical new distribution models. Activist investors. Acquisitive private equity firms. Consumers with little brand loyalty. This combination of challenges is forcing consumer products companies to meet high-performance benchmarks even as the playbook for success has been rendered obsolete. What’s needed: leaders who are all about growth and value and who can create and support bold new customer experiences to drive engagement. The industry’s traditional talent management strategies created in the last century have yet to catch up to this do-or-die reality.

The Egon Zehnder Consumer Products Practice is composed of former executives of some of the world’s leading consumer products companies. We work closely with you to develop a personal understanding of the challenges you face. We help boards, CEOs, and talent management leaders both recruit and develop leaders who can create cultures of innovation and strategic risk-taking. Working with our colleagues around the globe in digital, retail, supply chain, and other practices, we can help you tap into a broad range of perspectives and talent pools to build truly creative teams. We look forward to partnering with you to turn challenge into opportunity.

Konsumgüter Berater:innen

Alex Lee

Alex Lee

Hong Kong, Shanghai

Alex leads Egon Zehnder’s Services practice in Asia Pacific, and jointly runs the firm’s Marketing and Sales practice in the same region. Mehr erfahren

Jenny Mok

Jenny Mok

Hong Kong

Based in Hong Kong, Jenny Mok is active in Egon Zehnder’s Consumer practice, with a focus on retail, apparel and luxury sectors. Mehr erfahren

Wanmay Ang

Wanmay Ang

Singapore Office Leader

Wan May Ang leads Egon Zehnder’s office in Singapore. She is a key leader in its Private Capital and Consumer practices. Mehr erfahren

Jiro Saruwatari

Jiro Saruwatari


Jiro Saruwatari leads Egon Zehnder’s Automotive segment in Asia. Based in Tokyo, he provides board consulting, management appraisal… Mehr erfahren

Sonny Iqbal

Sonny Iqbal

New Delhi, Bangalore, Mumbai

Sonny Iqbal helped found Egon Zehnder’s offices in New Delhi, Bangalore, and Mumbai. He advises family businesses on succession, founder transition… Mehr erfahren

Golnaz Bahmanyar

Golnaz Bahmanyar

Middle East

Based in Dubai since 2008, Golnaz leads Egon Zehnder’s Consumer and Retail Practice in the Middle East, serving regional and multinational clients in… Mehr erfahren

Patrick Nader

Patrick Nader

Middle East

Patrick Nader co-leads Egon Zehnder’s Global Real Estate Practice as well as the Marketing and Sales Practice in EMEA. He advises clients in the real… Mehr erfahren

David Campbell

David Campbell


David Campbell leads Egon Zehnder’s Retail, Consumer, Health, and Technology practices in Australia. Mehr erfahren

Murat Yesildere

Murat Yesildere


Murat Yesildere, based in Istanbul, provides a full range of services from executive search and board consulting to management appraisals… Mehr erfahren

Engin Guven

Engin Guven


Necip Engin Guven, based in Istanbul, is the co-leader of Egon Zehnder’s Consumer and Retail Practices in Europe, Middle East… Mehr erfahren

Lena Triantogiannis

Lena Triantogiannis

Athens, New York

Lena Triantogiannis co-leads Egon Zehnder’s partnership with Mobius Executive Leadership as well as its global Accelerated Integration practice. Mehr erfahren

Marie Louise Helbo

Marie Louise Helbo


Based in Copenhagen, Marie Louise Bunckenburg Helbo is active in several Egon Zehnder’s practices, including the Supply Chain & Operations Practice… Mehr erfahren

Thomas Wamberg

Thomas Wamberg


Thomas Wamberg, based in Copenhagen, is a trusted advisor in board succession and C-suite and executive recruitment, as well as leadership… Mehr erfahren

Alexei Sokolov

Alexei Sokolov

Vienna, Sub-Saharan Africa

Alexei Sokolov is trusted by consumer goods companies as a reliable source of advice on top-level executive appointments, talent strategy, management… Mehr erfahren

Dirk Mundorf

Dirk Mundorf


Dirk Mundorf berät schwerpunktmäßig globale sowie nationale Unternehmen im Konsumgüter- und Industriesektor sowie Familienunternehmen. Mehr erfahren

Alexander Gaus

Alexander Gaus


Alexander Gaus berät hauptsächlich Familienunternehmen in den Sektoren Konsumgüter, Handel, E-Commerce, Digital und Technologie. Mehr erfahren

Interviews, Artikel und Studien | Konsumgüter

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Focus – Silvia Wiesner darüber, wie Positive Leadership gelingt

Focus – Silvia Wiesner darüber, wie Positive Leadership gelingt

In einem Gastbeitrag für den Focus geht Silvia Wiesner, die bei Egon Zehnder vor allem Klienten aus der Konsumgüterindustrie berät, der Frage nach guter… Mehr erfahren

„Jeder hat Ziele, aber nur  wenige sind bereit, dafür Opfer zu bringen und sich zu schinden.“

„Jeder hat Ziele, aber nur wenige sind bereit, dafür Opfer zu bringen und sich zu schinden.“

Ruder-Olympiasiegerin Katherine Grainger und Internet-Unternehmer Ben Medlock über Ambition, Beharrlichkeit und das Lennon-McCartney-Phänomen. Mehr erfahren

Der legendäre Jazzmusiker Wynton Marsalis und Pepsi-Co-Chairman und -CEO Indra K. Nooyi swingen im selben Rhythmus.

Der legendäre Jazzmusiker Wynton Marsalis und Pepsi-Co-Chairman und -CEO Indra K. Nooyi swingen im selben Rhythmus.

Indra K. Nooyi kam als junge Frau aus ihrem Heimatland Indien in die USA. Neben zahlreichen anderen Talenten brachte sie eine scharfe Beobachtungsgabe mit.… Mehr erfahren

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