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Energie und CleanTech

The settling of oil prices, and the slow but inexorable shift to less reliance on hydrocarbons, has recalibrated the economics of energy. These developments have set off a large-scale transformation across the entire value chain as traditional energy producers, utilities, clean tech companies, and services firms restructure themselves and the relationships among them for this new world. Regardless of their place in this ecology, energy leaders must make their organizations more cost-effective and innovative while absorbing rapid change in technology, geopolitics, and stakeholder sentiment. This requires new, and different, leadership.

At Egon Zehnder, our Energy Practice works closely across the entire industry to support boards, CEOs, and their teams in creating personalized leadership solutions. Our command of shifting industry dynamics allows us to rethink the experiences and competencies needed around the boardroom table, on the executive committee, and in the leadership succession pipeline, and then to help companies identify, attract, and develop the talent they need to remain competitive. To do so, our consultants, hired from industry, draw upon their operating experience not just in energy but in technology and manufacturing. We also work closely with our colleagues in those and other sectors, such as Digital and Chemicals. Proprietary diagnostic tools, including our board effectiveness review, team effectiveness programs, and our potential model for assessing the ability to thrive in the face of change, help provide insight into the group dynamics and core personal qualities that create high-performing boards, teams, and leaders.

Energie und CleanTech Berater:innen

Elaine Yew

Elaine Yew


Elaine Yew is a Senior Partner in Egon Zehnder and the Global Co-Head for our Family Business and Family Office Practice. Mehr erfahren

Kenta Kasai

Kenta Kasai


Based in Tokyo, Kenta Kasai is a member of Egon Zehnder’s CEO Search & Succession, Executive Assessment & Development, and Leadership Advisory… Mehr erfahren

Koshiro Miyake

Koshiro Miyake


Based in Tokyo, Koshiro Miyake, is at home in Egon Zehnder’s Industrial Practice. A trusted advisor to clients… Mehr erfahren

Karan Narang

Karan Narang

New Delhi

Based in New Delhi, Karan Narang leads Egon Zehnder’s Consumer Technology and Digital group in India; and Marketing and Sales Practice in Asia… Mehr erfahren

Sameera Sandhu

Sameera Sandhu

New Delhi

Sameera Sandhu, based in New Delhi, focuses on executive search, board consulting and leadership advisory as a member of Egon Zehnder’s Industrial… Mehr erfahren

Mihir Sheth

Mihir Sheth


Mihir Sheth, based in Mumbai, is active in Egon Zehnder’s Industrial, Private Capital and Family Business Advisory practices. Mehr erfahren

Eduen Mobayed

Eduen Mobayed

Middle East

Eduen Mobayed has been a trusted advisor to leaders in the MENA region for more than a decade. As a founding member of the firm’s Middle East… Mehr erfahren

Elies Abdelmalek

Elies Abdelmalek

Middle East

Elies Abdelmalek is active in Egon Zehnder’s Industrial Practice. With his extensive industry and consulting experience, he helps clients in the… Mehr erfahren

Liz Evans

Liz Evans


Liz Evans, based in Brisbane, is active across Egon Zehnder’s Human Resources, Sustainability and Industrial practices. Mehr erfahren

Veli-Pekka Elonen

Veli-Pekka Elonen

Helsinki Office Leader

Veli-Pekka Elonen brings insight and impact to a wide variety of Finnish and international industrial and service companies. Based in Helsinki… Mehr erfahren

Richard Lehtola

Richard Lehtola


Richard Lehtola, Egon Zehnder’s Managing Partner in Helsinki, advises public companies, family businesses, and private equity firms on CEO succession… Mehr erfahren

Cesy Cenudioglu

Cesy Cenudioglu


Cesy Cenudioglu, based in Istanbul, is an active Consultant for executive search, leadership capability building, team assessments, culture… Mehr erfahren

Sara Najafi

Sara Najafi

Stockholm, Malmö

Based in Stockholm, Sara Najafi is active in Egon Zehnder’s Technology & Communications Practice. She is a valued advisor to clients… Mehr erfahren

Kristin Raabe

Kristin Raabe


Kristin Raabe serves a wide client base in the Nordics and internationally with leadership of the global energy transition and the financial services… Mehr erfahren

Tess Sundelin

Tess Sundelin

Malmö, Stockholm

Based in Malmö and Stockholm, Tess is active across Egon Zehnder’s Sustainability, Energy and Cleantech, Private Capital and Financial Services… Mehr erfahren

Morten Tveit

Morten Tveit

Copenhagen Office Leader, Oslo

Morten Tveit is working out of the Oslo and Copenhagen offices. He has expertise in leadership coaching and development, organization design… Mehr erfahren

Interviews, Artikel und Studien | Energie und CleanTech

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Technologieführerschaft für erneuerbare Energien – wo steht Deutschland?

Technologieführerschaft für erneuerbare Energien – wo steht Deutschland?

Deutschland läuft Gefahr, seine Position als Technologieführer im Bereich erneuerbare Energien zu verlieren. Unternehmen und Politik müssen handeln. Ergebnisse des 5. CleanTech Roundtable von… Mehr erfahren

CleanTech 2013

CleanTech 2013

Im Zuge der Energiewende differenziert sich der Energiesektor weiter. Neue Player kommen ins Spiel, alte Player müssen neue Rollen übernehmen. Mehr erfahren

CleanTech Roundtable 2012

CleanTech Roundtable 2012

Das Jahrhundertprojekt Energiewende ist ins Stocken geraten. Um es wieder in Fahrt zu bringen, müssen alle an einem Strang ziehen. Ergebnisse des dritten CleanTech… Mehr erfahren

Kräfte bündeln für die Zeitenwende

Kräfte bündeln für die Zeitenwende

Der CleanTech Roundtable 2012 widmete sich dem Thema „Vernetzung – Akteure der Energiewende zwischen Windparks, Hochspannungstrassen und Smart Grids“. Mehr erfahren

CleanTech Roundtable 2011: Der „hybride“ Manager

CleanTech Roundtable 2011: Der „hybride“ Manager

Beim zweiten CleanTech Dialog diskutierten am 17. November 2011 im Berliner Büro von Egon Zehnder ausgewählte CEOs/Geschäftsführer und Vorstandsmitglieder deutscher Energieunternehmen über die Chancen… Mehr erfahren

Vom Techniker zum Unternehmensführer – Leadership Development in der CleanTech-Industrie

Vom Techniker zum Unternehmensführer – Leadership Development in der CleanTech-Industrie

Viele Unternehmen der CleanTech-Branche stehen am Scheideweg. Dabei kommt es besonders auf den CEO an: Er muss sich um die Strategie und die Ausrichtung… Mehr erfahren

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