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“航海家”培训项目 顾问

Diederik Amery

Diederik Amery

Brussels Office Leader

Diederik Amery, based in Belgium and also covering Luxembourg, provides executive and board search, individual and team appraisals, and leadership… 阅读更多

Isabelle Langlois-Loris

Isabelle Langlois-Loris


Isabelle Langlois-Loris offers deep expertise in all talent matters, including executive and board searches, management appraisals, and leadership… 阅读更多

Boudewijn Arts

Boudewijn Arts


Boudewijn focuses on CEO succession, C-level and Board searches for industrial and broader clients. He is an Executive Coach and passionate about… 阅读更多

Isabelle Claus

Isabelle Claus


Isabelle Claus is active in Egon Zehnder’s Industrial and Human Resources practices. Based in Brussels, she is a trusted advisor to clients on… 阅读更多

智识与洞见 | “航海家”培训项目

Young Leaders Are Shaping the Future of Organizations

Young Leaders Are Shaping the Future of Organizations

Who are the leaders from younger generations entering the market today? What ideas do they bring and what changes do they provoke? How can… 阅读更多

What Sets Successful Chief Revenue Officers Apart in Turbulent Times?

What Sets Successful Chief Revenue Officers Apart in Turbulent Times?

Companies are facing uncertainty and change, but Chief Revenue Officers (CROs) can help create stability and navigate their organizations through tough times. Based on… 阅读更多

Embracing the Great Reshuffle: Welcome to the New Job Market

Embracing the Great Reshuffle: Welcome to the New Job Market

The “great resignation” is the employment trend that will not subside. As resignation letters pile up, companies are scrambling to hold on to talent… 阅读更多

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