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Content related to Leadership

Innere Meisterschaft

Malaika Mihambo ist eine der erfolgreichsten deutschen Sportlerinnen. Im Weitsprung wurde sie 2019 und 2022 Weltmeisterin und 2021 Olympiasiegerin.

Handelsblatt – „Netzwerken ist essenziell“: Elke Hofmann über die Bedeutung des Networkings in schwierigen Zeiten

Hohe Energiepreise, Fachkräftemangel, geopolitische Spannungen und Infrastrukturprobleme sind nur einige der Gründe, weshalb der Wirtschaftsstandort Deutschland immer weiter zurückfällt.

Effective Teams Start with an Authentic Leader

Brandon Sink, CFO of Lowe's, values the interactions he has with employees across all levels of the company. His extensive career in home improvement began with Deloitte, where he first served as Lowe's external auditor. He later joined Lowe's as the Director of Corporate Accounting and eventually took on the role of Vice President and Corporate Controller. Brandon and I sat down for a conversation about his journey to CFO, what he's learned along the way and how he builds and mentors the finance team. He shares practical advice for balancing a demanding job with his family and offers guidance for aspiring CFOs.

Finanz-Szene – Anpassungsfähig, nahbar, reflektiert: Birgit Storz über wichtige Eigenschaften von Führungspersönlichkeiten

Persönlichkeit, Identität, Ambition, Motivation und Potenzial: Das sind laut Birgit Storz wichtige Attribute, die das (Anforderungs-)Profil von CEOs ausmachen.

Unlocking Leadership at Scale for Israeli Startups

Our insights with Israeli firms show three key areas for startup success: IPO-ready board, global executive attraction, and culture for expansion.

Focus – Silvia Wiesner darüber, wie Positive Leadership gelingt

In einem Gastbeitrag für den Focus geht Silvia Wiesner, die bei Egon Zehnder vor allem Klienten aus der Konsumgüterindustrie berät, der Frage nach guter Führung nach

The New Playbook of CFOs

An assertive hiring process doesn’t happen overnight, and it’s crucial to analyze where the organization currently stands, where it wants to go, and how the CFO fits into this puzzle. When hiring for this position, considering potential is just as important as technical skills.

Leaders Face a Potential Second Pandemic - in Mental Health

The world is facing a second pandemic, this time in mental health. This can be seen in company leaders who haven't reflected on the past few years.

The Trapping of a Founder

After victoriously envisioning, creating, funding and launching a company, forces conspire to keep founders in that same leadership position forever, even as the role of leading the company evolves and changes from creator to builder to sustainer.

Embracing difference – physical disability; ‘the last taboo’?

Physical disability is often overlooked when it comes to diversity discussions, and most boards are still at early stages of maturity on the topic. We gathered some of the UK's top board chairs for an open conversation on the topic.

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